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Online meeting NWO MVI

Trust in digital innovations, and trust via digital innovations

On monday the 19th of april from 13.00 to 15.00 hrs an online meeting takes place in which Esther Keymolen elaborates on the concept of trust in relation to digital innovations. This meeting is organised by NWO MVI.

While trust is a fundamental building block of our society, the erosion of trust in the digital society has become one of the major challenges of our time. Right at this moment, individuals, businesses, nation-states, as well as the European Union are f acing urgent questions such as: How can citizens be helped to trust trustworthy sources of information, such as news sources, but distrust unreliable ones? How do we build trust in the COVID vaccine? Can we trust the digital tracing apps, and immunization passports? How can we deal with growing mistrust in military allies, government, in science, in journalism, in online communications? How can the trustworthiness of various public and private institutions be reinforced? How can trust in new digital innovations be established? Trust seems to be in crisis, and we don’t seem to have reassuring answers to these urgent and complex questions with wide-ranging social, political, and economic consequences

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Online meeting NWO MVI